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This is a certificate, which may be issued to anyone who has successfully completed certain national boating licenses or has passed an examination to prove the necessary competence for pleasure craft operation.

Although only guaranteed to be accepted in countries that have adopted the relevant UN Resolution, the ICC is a useful document to carry and will generally be accepted where proof of competence is required.

In very general terms an ICC is required for the inland waterways of Europe and for inland and coastal waters of Mediterranean countries. For the coastal waters of Northern Europe the ICC is generally not required, however to all of these generalisations there are exceptions.

The relevant RYA qualifications that bring eligibility to apply for the ICC are:

At our RYA Sailing School we also offer an assessment for the ICC to those with sufficient experience to pass it without previously holding the above qualifications.


The ICC is a product of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Inland Water Committee (UN ECE IWC) Resolution 40. This states that a government of one state may issue the ICC to its nationals and residents who may be on the waters of a foreign state, on condition that both accept the requirements and conditions set out in Resolution 40. Governments may appoint competent authorities to issue ICC on their behalf. The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is a competent authority on behalf of the UK. For other countries please see here UNECE Resolution 40
The ICC provides documentary assurance from one government to another that the holder meets the levels of competence laid down in Resolution 40. However, the acceptance of Resolution 40 is often caveated.

Application for the ICC Holders of the RYA Power Boat Level 2, the RYA Day Skipper Practical, and RYA Coastal Skipper course completion certificates may apply to the RYA for the issue of an ICC. The cost is UK£43 or approximately US$75 (2014). It is issued free to RYA members. Apply to Certification, Royal Yachting Association, RYA House, Ensign Way, Hamble, Southampton, SO31 4YA, UK.

International-Certificate-of-Competence-ICC-licence-for-sail-and-powerICC International certificate of Competence
ICC International Certificate of Competence
ICC International Certificate of Competence Caribbean
International Certificate of Competence ICC
ICC International Certificate of Competencey