Sailing Skills Clinics in Antigua: Learn to sail course for novices in the Caribbean

Fun Training Program

Fun Training Program

Sailing Skills Clinics

Many people love the freedom, challenge, and relaxation that cruising on a sailing yacht offers.

For many of these the opportunities to pursue their enjoyment of sailing are limited for several reasons.

For those who are serious about their sailing, and the skills acquired at an earlier stage, all of these factors contribute to a lack of practice, and a consequent loss of skill over time.

Our Sailing Skills Clinics aim to address this problem by revisiting previous training and polishing up on skills and confidence to bring them both up to date.

Sailing Skills Clinics are offered on both our formal RYA Sail Training Courses or within our Miramar Sail Training Programmes, to suit any level of previous experience between Competent Crew or Yachtmaster Ocean.

Retaking previous qualifications is not necessarily what is required, regaining knowledge and ability to restore the confidence required to enjoy your sailing is!



If it's SAILING, it's MIRAMAR!